urgent dog in need of your help!
rock has 1 day left to live!
At risk to be killed: 2025-01-30   Reason: Medical
Breed: Beauceron
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
Shelter: LA Animal Services - Harbor
957 N Gaffey St
San Pedro, CA

Shelter dog id: A2176100

Contact Name: Adoptions
Phone: 888-452-7381
email: please call
About rock: ROCK Orange Alert The Orange Medical Alert is for New Hope members of the Urgent Medical Response Team. Animals appearing on the Orange Alert are not irremediably suffering but require urgent and/or extensive medical care beyond what LAAS can provide.

A2176100 - MALE, BLACK AND TAN ROTTWEILER. Shelter: HARBOR Age: 5 YRS Weight: 86 LBS This animal has been at the shelter since 12/18/2024 and on this list since 12/26/2024.
Medical Condition Update: bilateral entropion. NEEDS TO GET OUT ASAP!!!
Don't adopt just because you feel sorry for rock!
Adoption should be a well thought out decision, it's a lifetime commitment.