urgent dog in need of your help!
scrappy has 4 days left to live!
At risk to be killed: 2025-02-09   Reason: Space
Breed: German Shepherd
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
Shelter: Stanislaus Animal Services
3647 Cornucopia Way
Modesto, CA

Shelter dog id: A593506

Contact Name: Adoptions
Phone: 209-558-7387
About scrappy: Scrappy A593506 LD549 German Shepherd Dog 51 Pounds Male 2 Years 9 days 01/04/2025 01/14/2025 Very scared and skittish in the kennel, did not want to be leashed. Once he was on the leash he walked very well and did a lot better. Was curious in the yard and is possibly potty trained. Did bark at another dog through the fence. DDO approved
Don't adopt just because you feel sorry for scrappy!
Adoption should be a well thought out decision, it's a lifetime commitment.