urgent dog in need of your help!
kovu has 4 days left to live!
At risk to be killed: 2025-02-09   Reason: Space
Breed: Husky
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
Shelter: Stanislaus Animal Services
3647 Cornucopia Way
Modesto, CA

Shelter dog id: A593333

Contact Name: Adoptions
Phone: 209-558-7387
About kovu: Kovu A593333 LD518 Alaskan Husky 55 Pounds Male 2 Years 15 days 12/29/2024 01/13/2025 Friendly boy with medium-high energy. Doesn't seem to know any basic commands at this time. Likes to play fetch. No signs of dog reactivity observed. Breed research always recommended. Doggy Day Out Approved.
Don't adopt just because you feel sorry for kovu!
Adoption should be a well thought out decision, it's a lifetime commitment.