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Was Killed on Jul 24, 2024
Main Photo of this Dog
Pit Bull Terrier (mix breed)
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Size: Large
About maleana: Maleana ACCT-A-166473 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to length of stay and lack of space for incoming dogs. Maleana must have confirmed placement with an ADOPTER or RESCUE PARTNER by MONDAY, July 22nd by 10:00 am. Should Maleana's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change. Due to being significantly overcapacity with animals and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging an animal. Maleana came to ACCT on 6/11 when she was found as a stray. Our animal protection officer was able to secure her with a control pole, but she understandably had a tough time adjusting to the shelter, and remained reactive, and tense in her kennel. Behavior notes: **New behavior notes: 7/21/24 Per volunteer: Very hyper gal! She allowed leashing no problem, pulled slightly to get outside. She had an AWESOME dog meet with Tristan. She pulled towards him a lot then was super tolerant with him- he climbed all over her and she was very polite. Loves toys! I saw in notes that she is dog reactive but that was not my experience, she barked while walking through the kennels but wasn't aggressive. Very good girl at the photoshoot! 6/12 When approaching Maleana's kennel she was already closed off on one side for cleaning. She began to growl, bark, and bare teeth when I approached and had very wide eyes. She stayed towards the back though and did not come forward, appearing more defensive and fearful. When I opened the kennel to leash her she continued to growl and bark and made herself as small as she could in the corner, trembling, and trying to dig out the backside a couple times. She appeared very fearful so I took things slow. I tried a couple lasso attempts but could not get her. I stood at the edge of kennel and knelt down speaking to her in a baby voice and tapping the kennel. She continued to react but would give some low wags when talking to her and almost came forward a couple of times but then stayed in the back. I attempted to lasso again and after a few tries got the leash on her. She lowered her body and came forward with low wags appearing nervous but interested in exiting. It took her a few minutes and motivation, but she eventually stepped out of kennel. No issues when returning, used clip method. 6/12 Pulls strongly on leash. While outside she passed multiple dogs. She would pull towards them whining with mid level wags and raised hackles. She greeted a couple dogs through the fence and initially was waggy but then would growl and walk away, she did this a few times appearing interested but conflicted. 6/12 Once out of the kennels Maleana opened up a lot! We walked out the door behind F Row and did a loop outside around the building. once outside while walking she gave little low wags and would hop on me while walking. She alert barked at a few people as we passed by them but stayed near me and would look to me, quieting down if I called her back to me. We had a fence meet with a dog in the large play yard and then went to the smaller yard next to it. I sat on the bench in the yard and dropped Maleana's leash. In the yard she was very handler focused and had wiggly and submissive body language scooting close to me and even trying to nudge her way into my lap at times. However, she did appear conflicted about this at times and if I touched her too quick or too much she would stiffen, stop wagging, lip lick, or give some semi hard eye contact at times. She gave a lot of appeasement signals while outside with me as well so pay close attention to her body language. She did allow handling in small spurts though while remaining loose and leaning in and if I stopped after a few seconds to do a consent test she would nudge me with her head and come back for more attention. Outside of the kennel, Maleana was able to relax and we were able to get to know her a little better. However, when we attempted to check her in, she displayed behavior in keeping with her uneasiness with her new surroundings, and strangers. 6/12 On the way back inside she alert barked at a couple other staff members and was panting heavily. I decided to attempt her medical check in. In the room she alert barked initially at a male nurse but remained friendly towards me and a female nurse. She allowed me to scan her for a microchip (negative) but was tense and lip licking during it. She was very food motivated though so we tried to smear some bologna and cream cheese on the floor while the female nurse quickly did the vaccines. On the first attempt Maleana growled and swung to snap at the nurse before she even touched her with the vaccine. On the second attempt Maleana focused on the cheese and the nurse was able to quickly get the rabies vaccine in, but then Maleana reacted and snapped at me since I was closest to her. We did not attempt any more as we did not want to push her or lead to more escalation. Started on behavior meds and will attempt check in again tomorrow. Maleana returned to kennel without issue, alert barking at a few more people as we walked through the kennels. 6/14 Maleana got out for some activity time and a dog meet today! She has opened up so much since her first few days here. Maleana greeted in kennel with a loose, wiggly body and wagging tail. She hopped up on the door to sniff but got down as I opened it. She was patient for leashing and came right out once secured. She walked nicely out to a play yard, not too much pulling. In the play yard she was very social and friendly with both handlers. She climbed right into my lap and gave lots of face kisses. If I pushed her down or away she would lean against me hard and try to push her head back under my hand. She was very social, and showed no confliction today! She remained loose and friendly the whole time with us, never showed any conflicted body language; she never even tensed up around us! Maleana was a bit much during her dog meet. We started with a fence meet, and she got quickly frustrated after just a few sniffs, and began jumping and barking at the other dog. During her face to face meet she was very pushy and pretty tense with the other dog. She kept trying to neck and mount the other dog repeatedly, to the point where the other dog gave her a correction. I had pulled her away by the time the dog corrected her, so I'm not sure how she would've responded to the correction on her own. She was hyper focused on the other dog as we walked away as well. I think Maleana may be able to have a doggie friend or two with slow, proper introductions, but she would do best as a single dog in the home. Once we were out of sight of the other dog she walked nicely again, and she gave me no issue returning to kennel. Overall, it seems like Maleana is opening up a lot and is doing much better since her arrival, but she just needs a single dog home to continue to decompress in. We've gotten to see Maleana make new friends at ACCT and come out of her shell, but, like all shelter dogs, she's going to need support through patient decompression in the face of change to be set up for success. Video: ** NEW VIDEO: dog meet with Tristan 7/21: Maleana meets Tristan https://youtu.be/jkoagL5pskY?si=brid6ve6wsCCHMfQ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hNZBzTimL6A?feature=share +Maleana meets Oreo Eden: https://youtu.be/8iIikeRazMc?si=RLop9y_t772HM6wE + Maleana wants to cuddle!: https://youtube.com/shorts/d9PUNMMbCfg?feature=share + Maleana and Sergeant fence meet: https://youtube.com/shorts/XY47pH8Nj_Q?feature=share + Maleana and Sergeant meet: https://youtube.com/shorts/_kO9yJOO7uI?feature=share + Maleana playing in the yard: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/o_38-VS-DAw + Maleana available for adoption: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SDLh5cePFn0 - ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit www.acctphilly.org/adopt for details. If you are a rescue interested in pulling this animal, please email our lifesaving team, or visit here if you are not currently a rescue partner: https://acctphilly.org/acct-philly-love-local-partnership-program/ Confirmed placement is considered confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent All animals at ACCT Philly are from Philadelphia, as the only open intake animal shelter in Philadelphia, we are not able to accept animals from outside of Philadelphia. ACCT Philly's Pennsylvania kennel license number is 08313