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Was Killed on Aug 24, 2023
American Bulldog (mix breed)
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
About jomo: This pet has been marked as at-risk, meaning he or she has behavioral concerns that need to be addressed outside of the shelter as soon as possible. This pet has been marked at-risk due to moderate FAS. Pets marked at-risk could be considered for euthanasia (put to sleep). Interested adopters, please email mas@memphistn.gov. Interested rescue organizations, please email mas.rescue@memphistn.gov immediately for next steps. A staff member who spent time with me said: "Jomo seems a bit stressed in his kennel, barking at observers, but he calms down significantly if you talk to him or offer him treats. When I opened the kennel door, he became a bit shy and seems fearful, but I was still able to leash him up and take him out. He was a bit reluctant to come out of the kennel at first, but with some encouragement, he came around. Once in the yard, he mostly sniffed around and did his own thing, staying close to the entrance to the yard. He seemed a bit scared when you would approach him. He would get low to the ground and look away. He seemed to want to interact, but was a bit scared. He was easy to leash back up and take inside to his kennel." *Heartworm Positive*