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Was Killed on Aug 15, 2023
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Pit Bull Terrier (mix breed)
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Size: Large
About sadie: Sadie ACCT-A-144684 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to behavioral concerns. Sadie must have confirmed placement with an EXPERIENCED ADOPTER or RESCUE PARTNER by Tuesday, August 15th by 10:00 am. Should Sadie's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change. Due to being significantly overcapacity with dogs and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging a dog. Sadie is a beautiful 4 year old gal who was brought to ACCT on August 9th as a stray. Sadie's finder found her tied to a pole. They shared that Sadie was calm and quiet around other animals. They also described her as, "friendly, shy, scared, and quiet. Sadie has been through a lot of change in the past week and sadly has not been adjusting to shelter life very well. She is very scared here and has been hesitant to trust those around her. Sadie has been slowly opening up while here, allowing more handling, but remains very tense and nervous. She is experiencing high levels of FAS (fear, anxiety, stress) in shelter and would benefit from urgent placement in a home environment where she can learn to trust, gain confidence, and open up in her own time. Sadie should not go to a home with children due to her current levels of fear. She may benefit from going home with a confident dog to help her learn the ropes, but does need a slow introduction as she can be nervous at first. Per staff 8/12: Sadie was definitely seeking out affection more than just a couple days ago. She had little interest in exploring the room, mostly wanted to stay nearby the door/by her handlers. She is very stressed -red eyes, red ears, red nose, and is quite fearful of fast movements towards her. She needs a slow gentle approach but never was reactive, just would lower her head and body and avoid eye contact. She seeked out comfort from me often, coming to me for gentle pets and sitting on my feet. She allowed all over handling and got a bit more comfortable over time, putting her face closer to me but was still tense and lowered. She had no interest in treats outside of kennel. She needs someone to take it slow with her. Per staff 8/10: Once in the room Sadie wandered around with a tense body, low tail and a closed mouth with her lips pulled tight. She gave hard eye contact when interacting, but would approach and sniff both handlers. She would not take treats, but did sniff them and show interest. She would pace the room looking for exits and would then come back over to us sniffing and then retreat away again. She remained very tense outside with us and uncomfortable with most interactions. When the other handler stood up Sadie approached her and the handler extended her arm. Sadie then tensed up hard staring and lip licking with a low forward postured body. When the handler was sitting down Sadie came over and sat upright near her. She allowed the handler to lightly pet her head and back. She remained very tense with handling but tolerated it in slow and gentle spurts. Crash and Sadie: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/oT2n5AS2lyA Sadie gets pets: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qipxrwr-b7s Confirmed placement is considered confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent. ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit www.acctphilly.org/adopt for details.