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Was Killed on Apr 23, 2023
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Pit Bull Terrier (mix breed)
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Size: Large
About zura: Zura ACCT-A-136288 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to behavioral concerns. Zura must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Sunday, April 23rd by 10:00 am. Should Zura's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change. Please email lifesaving@acctphilly.org if your rescue can pull or if you can foster through rescue. Zura is a petite 1 year old gal who came to ACCT after her owner could no longer keep her due to behavioral concerns. Zura's owner stated that she has had her since she was 8 weeks old. She said Zura is a very energetic, playful and sweet girl. She said on March 10th Zura had been hit by a car and was taken to the vet- she did not have any major injuries. Ever since she was hit by a car she has been off behaviorally and has been more irritable. She will charge at the owner randomly in the home and hard stare and growl. She has not bitten yet, the owner is worried about escalation due to these warning signals. She also said that 1 week ago Zura began to show aggression when trying to leash her. She would growl, bare teeth, and snap when trying to leash her. She has had to put pee pads on the ground the last week due to this behavior. She said that Zura has always been a very playful and happy girl and still is, but keeps showing these random moments of aggression. Zura loves tennis balls, bacon treats, and is very affectionate. She said she loves to cuddle and will nudge you to solicit attention and get pets. She said fetch is Zura's favorite activity and that she loves when you count to three to throw the ball. She said Zura would do best in a home with a backyard due to her high energy levels. She does not have a yard currently so she will take Zura on walks and to the park. When new people come over Zura is typically crated at first until she adjusts and will be crated when the young grandkids are over. Per staff, dog was crated in the home for extended periods of time which may be the reason she is reactive in kennel. Per volunteer 4/19: Ian and I took Zura out on 4/19/2023 in the evening. She alarm barked at us in kennel when we attempted to leash her, however stopped barking when I started giving her pieces of pupperoni. She was avoidant of being leashed, coming to the front of kennel for treats and then retreating. It took a little time and patience, but Ian was able to lasso her while I gave her a treat. She eagerly jumped out of her kennel and I leashed her in the aisle as she was marked a two handler dog. There were minimal jumping/light mouthing behaviors while I leashed her due in part to excitement, leashes being tangled, and my leashing her in kennel aisle with barking dogs nearby. We walked her out of the building with no issue and walked one lap around the parking lot with no issue. I gave my leash to Ian, and waited in the parking lot while he jogged with her for a few laps. She did a great job, appeared to enjoy herself, no negative behaviors were noted. We walked back to the front of shelter where we took video of Ian petting her on the lawn. She was interested and curious of her surroundings, and sat for petting nicely. She walked back inside with no issue/walked nicely through building. She was nervous/avoidant of being touched near neck when Ian tried to unleash her, so I distracted/redirected her with a snack in my fist for her to smell while he clipped her lead for the clip method of removal. Zura jumped back into kennel with no issue and Ian pulled the leash over her head with no issue. Overall, Zura walked nicely on the leash and was curious and engaged with the environment. She needs to learn to associate the leash/being leashed/unleashed with good things(walks/treats). She's a sweet little dog who likes to engage with handler/is people oriented. Open palm for treats-enthusiastic. *she?s fine with being petted on neck areas, but is afraid of being leashed. Since being in our care Zura has been nervous at times, but warms up outside. Zura can be reactive in kennel to leashing and will bark, snap, retreat and dodge the leash. Once leashed she comes out easily, but outside of the kennel continues to display sensitivity surrounding the leash and handling near her head and neck area. Zura can become reactive when trying to clip her leash when returning her to kennel. Zura has also been social and wiggly during some interactions and will approach staff with a loose body and solicit pets. She has many puppy behaviors and would benefit from a home that can provide her with training and lots of exercise. She needs to urgently leave with a rescue who can provide her further diagnostics to make sure there is no medical concerns contributing to her behavior. Per staff 4/20: When taking Zura out for a dog meet she was snappy towards the leash in kennel, but once leashed she exited easily. She pulled on the leash heavily outside but allowed handling. During the dog meet itself Zura had a stiff body, flagging tail, raised hackles, and appeared conflicted. We kept distance and did a walk along but did not progress to a face meet due to her Body language. After the meet I turned with zura and was going to take her in through the admin door. While she was distracted by another staff member I went to clip her leash and she head whipped and quickly snapped and then kept walking. I readjusted my hold on the leash a minute later and she head whipped and quickly snapped again. She then walked in without any issues and went into kennel easily. Per staff 4/19: Manager was moving zura to another row. An aca tried first and zura was tense hard barking and barking teeth. The aca asked the manager to help. Manager said she was snappy on leash when trying to Leash her. Outside zura was stressed but ok with handling from her. When the manager tried to clip the Leash zura tried to snap at them- had to use metal hook to remove leash. Per staff 4/19: Zura ran at me on the leash but had wagging tail. She jumped up on me a few times and then lost interest. Ian and Kate said she was barking/a bit difficult to leash in kennel but once she was outside she was fine, just very energetic. They said that after her run she was calmer and more social. Zura allowed me to pet her but doesn't stand still for very long and is more interested in zooming around! Per staff 4/16: Zura was super easy to be leashed and jumped off the truck. Walks really well on her leash. She said hi to numerous coworkers as well, tail wagging the whole time. Per staff 4/16: Zura is SO sweet! She was all wiggles and soliciting attention when APOs brought her in. She has such an adorable puppy smile Videos: Zura and Ian: https://youtu.be/4ywsrf9cFrQ Zura and Lauren london: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziHknO5tED0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zCs4m5pbgI Confirmed placement is considered confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent. ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit www.acctphilly.org/adopt for details.