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Was Saved on Dec 20, 2016! Click to read the success story
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American Staffordshire Terrier (mix breed)
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
Additional : altered
About knots: KNOTS aka KNOX ? A1032418 ***RETURNED 12/05/16***DOH HOLD B*** NEUTERED MALE, BR BRINDLE / WHITE, AM PIT BULL TER / AMERICAN STAFF, 5 yrs OWNER SURRENDER ON HOLD HERE, HOLD FOR DOH-B Reason BITEPEOPLE Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 12/05/2016, From NY 10009, Due Out Date 12/08/2016 Medical Behavior Evaluation YELLOW Medical Summary Minor cuts/abrasions on both front legs Eyes were clear. No discharge Ears are clean Teeth were white and intact Nose no discharge but starting cage nose on the right side Dewormed with Pyrantel and put in food Flea Treatment Activyl Scan positive for a microchip #985112005661389 Altered male As of now no V/S/C/D BAR NOSF Weight 90.0