Last week, New York's Governor Hochul of New York State signed into law a bill to end the puppy mill pipeline! This groundbreaking legislation curtails the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in New York pet stores. The bill was passed by the NY Senate and Assembly in the summer, however the governor dilly dallied for weeks and months on end. All involved in animal care were up in fear that she was intending to veto thus the interminable delay. Tremendous pressure was brought on Hochul by the activist community while pet shop owners put on her their own kind of vice. Hochul, not being known for an animal activist, everyone was waiting for the grim news, and then suddenly the Christmas spirit took a hold of Hochuls soul.
We are grateful to the bill's sponsors, Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal and Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris. New York is one of the puppy mill industry’s largest markets, with dogs being trucked in from puppy mills across the country. The mill breeders, transporters and pet store owners who profit from pet sales in New York lobbied hard to stop the bill from being signed. We applaud Governor Hochul for doing the right thing for pets and New Yorkers by signing this bill into law.
This new law will reduce the importation of animals from out-of-state breeding facilities, where they’re typically kept in inhumane conditions, denied socialization, exercise, and even basic veterinary care. The law will also help reduce the number of homeless pets who flood New York’s animal shelters.
Thank you to all of the animal advocates and supporters for speaking up against the cruel puppy mill industry and helping shut down the puppy mill pipeline into New York State! All New Yorkers deserve to be proud of this historic victory for animals. Hopefully it encourages other states to follow suit.