Ireland keeps surprising the global community. After much discussion, the Irish Parliament has approved a total ban on fur farming and sales in the country. Joining Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg EU countries, it's another maverick Irish decision. Ireland's embrace of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel and the lowest corporate taxes in the EU (just 12%) have made the country a trendsetter of sorts. Independent and thought provoking. Now they have banned an entire industry based on humanitarian and health concerns.
There are currently three fur farms in Ireland where some 120,000 animals live and breed. These farmers will be compensated for the forced closing of their business. The Finance Ministry estimates a cost of $4 to $8 million. The law that sets the rules will also includes the provision that cats, chinchillas, dogs, foxes, mink and weasels (including stoats) shall not be farmed for their fur or skin.
Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture heralded the landmark law. The amendment thus also negates fears of a new, more deadly COVID variant emerging among these populations. Ireland had such a fear in November 2020 as the country's Chief Medical Officer suggested the culling of all mink. However further testing revealed that no such variants had emerged among the target populations.
The law is slated to go into effect in early 2022 making Ireland only the fifth country of the 27 EU member states to have instituted such a complete ban. New York City tried to prohibit sales of fur in 2020 when activists were energized by the mayor's support. However after heated hearings in the City Council the committee council shamefully cracked under industry pressure and cowered to not hold a vote thus letting the legislative session expire.
Sadly in America capitalism, business and money tower over any and all morality as shown by the NYC Council's cowardly posture, even in a heavily left leaning city. Bravo brave Ireland!