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Was Killed on Mar 23, 2025
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Pit Bull Terrier
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Size: Medium
About john: My name is JOHN and I'm approximately 2 years old male pit bull. I have been at the Lancaster Animal Care Center since February 24, 2025. 2025 E25-083908 Animal ID: A5681559 Eval Type: PLAY GROUP Eval Location: LANCASTER Eval Date: 02/26/2025 Review Date: Play Style: Sociability: SOCIAL Reactive: NON REACTIVE Ken Handing: FEARFUL2 Kids: Large Dogs: CALM DOGS (REC) Small Dogs: NEEDS ASSESSMENT Energy Level: MEDIUM Iraning: B-MOD MULTI Eval Comments: He was laying in the middle of the kennel with concered eyes. The runner knelt at the kennel gate and began to verbally coax him, but he did not approach. When the runner opened the kennel gate, he retreated to the back of the kennel with concerned eyes. The runner continued to verbally coax and reassure him. He now had wide eyes and a light body tremble. The runner presented the leash and he began to growl. He remained easy to loop leash as he remained at the back of the kennel but continued to growl. He required some verbal coaxing to exit the kennel and walked to the play yard behind the runner. He entered the catch pen with concemed eyes, low tail and light body tremble. He was avoidant of the play yard fence and did not greet the other dogs. He required a go-slow approach being collared by the runner and had concemed eyes. He entered the play yard with soft body language. He was approached by a male Pitbull and remained tolerant of him sniffing him, but did not retum the greeting. He was then approached by a female mastiff and displayed the same behavior. He began to calmly roam the yard and explore his surroundings. He was tolerant of dogs trailing him to sniff him. After a while, he appeared to gain more confidence around the dogs and began to exchange soft greetings with them. He remained calm and social for the rest of his time in the yard but appeared to be more comfortable around the calmer dogs. He was wary of the handlers and would create space from them. When one handler approached near to him, he gave a growl. John is social with the other dogs but has no play style at this time. See handling assessment for rescue only stipulation. E25-083913 Animal ID: AS681559 Eval Type: HANDLING Eval Location: LANCASTER Eval Date: 02/26/2025 Play Style: Sociability: SOCIAL Reactive: NON REACTIVE Ken Handling: FEARFUL Kids: Large Dogs: CALM DOGS (REC) Small Dogs: NEEDS ASSESSMENT Energy Level: MEDIUM Review Date: Training: B-MOD MULTI Eval Comments: He was taken to the catch pen for the handling assessment after play group. He was given a moment to acclimate to his surroundings. The handler knelt and called to him, but he did not approach. The handler slowly approached him and picked up his leash. He had soft eyes, low tail and open mouth pant. He allowed the handler to pet his head with no reaction. He allowed the handler to check his ears with no reaction. He allowed the handler to check his teeth but gave side eye. He allowed the handler to touch and lift his front paws but was tense with concemed eyes and licking his lips. When the handler touched his back paws, he was very tense and looked back at the handler licking his lips. When the handler touched his tail, he was very tense and looked back at the handler with hard eyes. He attempted to spin around toward the handler, but the handler had control of his leash, so he was not able to. He was retumed to his kennel without issue. Due to his behavior at the care center and his handling sensitivity, he will be designated as rescue only at this time.
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