Breed:German Shepherd
Age: Young adult
Size: Large
About braun: Braun A743663
(M) Estimated Age 2 Years and 1 Month, BROWN / BLACK, GERM SHEPHERD DOG
Evaluation Notes:
Limited evaluation due to medical. Dog displayed sociability by gently taking treats from the hand.
Vet Exam Notes:
patient was hbc trauma, exhibiting moderate edema along pelvic limbs, painful along pelvic limb region, nonweight bearing at this
time, r/o underying fx, pelvic injury, other
begin analgesics, advise rads
patient is bar, ambulatory, very sweet and friendly, nonweight bearing RH with pain elicited on manipulation of limb, palpable
soft-tissue edema along proximal femur region vs hip area, r/o underlying femoral fx vs hip injury vs pelvic injury, other underlying
sent patient to er for pelvic/RH rads- may need RH amp pending results and if sx fixation cannot be afforded
continue analgesics
ok to kennels
patient sent to er for x-rays, only lateral rads appear to have been performed, suspect RH coxofemoral luxation +/- fem neck fx?
advise VD rads. No amputation at this time. may need FHO