Breed:Rottweiler (mix breed)
Age: Young adult
Size: Large
About bear: Bear A737016
(M) Estimated Age 2 Years and 1 Month, BLACK / BROWN, ROTTWEILER / BLEND DOG
Evaluation Notes:
Limited evaluation due to medical
Dog displayed sociability by coming over for affection with a wagging tail and loose body. He took treats gently by hand, licked
my hands, and was interested in rump scratches.
Vet Exam Notes:
Pt presented from AER - On vet exam list for possible femur fracture
BAR, shy and runs to other side of kennel when approached, ambulatory with nonweight bearing lameness on right pelvic limb,
visible swelling in proximal aspect of affected limb, no other significant findings on visual PE
r/o Blunt force trauma, HBC trauma, other trauma
Beginning course of NSAIDs/analgesics