Breed:Pit Bull Terrier
Age: Young adult
Size: Medium
About toya: ANIMAL ID
41 lbs
Moms, 149A
Heartworm Negative
This pet is urgent for FAS (Fear, Anxiety, Stress)
Urgent: at risk of euthanasia
On 10/18/24 I helped ACT Crystal move Toya from her kennel for cleaning. When the leash was presented she bared her teeth and would growl/snap at the leash. I moved slowly, but persistently and was able to get her leashed. From there she walked ok outside; she mostly walked behind me and would sometimes try to hide in certain places she could get to. Once outside, she immediately pottied on the grass. I sat on the curb and she readily came up, laying across my lap, and accepted pets. She was very much a regular velcro dog. She did tense and let out a low growl when I attempted to adjust the leash.
I walked her back inside and went into the grooming room as it was the closest quiet room with a door. In there, I let her walk out of the leash. I sat on the floor and again, she immediately came to sit with me and get pets. I offered her a squeaky toy which she seemed very interested in, but was mostly content to just be by my side. Video uploaded.
On 10/19/24 I helped move Toya from ACO. I used a squeaky toy to introduce myself since she had previously responded well. She showed interest, but still snarled and snapped at the leash. She was trying to leave the kennel, so I let her walk out into ACO as the doors were closed. Once she walked out, I knelt down and she immediately rushed into me burying her head in my lap. I was easily able to leash her and we walked outside. She seems very house trained as she did her business outside quickly. I took her inside and decided to give her a bath. She was spooked by the water being turned on, but after that she did well for her bath.
Next, she had to go to the clinic for her skin. She met 2 pet nurses. I asked them to sit on the floor and she immediately went to them for pets and love. She was very affectionate, readily climbing into laps and alternating people to get attention. We were able to find a sweater about her size and put it on her to help keep her warm.
I've had her at my desk for a quiet environment. She's wary of new people and will growl at people that walk by, so we're going to see if we can work on that.