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Was Killed on Sep 8, 2023
Labrador Retriever (mix breed)
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
About worthy: WORTHY has been marked at-risk due to the shelter currently being over our capacity for care. Pets marked at-risk could be considered for euthanasia (put to sleep). Interested adopters, please email mas@memphistn.gov. Interested rescue organizations, please email mas.rescue@memphistn.gov immediately for next steps. A staff member that spent time with me says this: "Worthy is the best boy ever. When I first saw him, he would always give me tail wags. He would always peek around the corner in his kennel. His eyes are so wide that it's adorable. So I decided to take him outside. He walks great on leash, doesn't pull or tug. Once he was outside, he immediately went to go potty. His attention span can be very short and he gets distracted really easily. He loves rolling around in the grass. His favorite thing is giving big bear hugs. After he's done with his hug, he would immediately demand belly rubs. He will 'sit' on demand for a treat. He was very interested in all the dogs we walked pass. He also would not go back into the kennel unless you would go first. A staff member who spent time with me said: "Worthy is such an affectionate lovebug. He will crawl in your lap for pets or roll over on his back for belly rubs. He just adores your attention. He walks well on the leash too! Worthy is the sweetest boy with big bug eyes. He so sweetly looks at you when he's in his kennel. Worthy is a very good boy." *Heartworm Positive*