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Was Killed on Sep 6, 2023
Main Photo of this Dog
German Shepherd
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
About dumbo: 8/30 Stray / Male / German Shepherd Mix / 3Y / 68 lbs / HW NAD
Dumbo is terrified and was shaking when opening his kennel. I gave him a treat and walked away and saw it was gone when I came back. We tried again to take him out and were able to leash but he would not budge even with treats. He was too big for me to carry out, so I decided it was better not to stress him out any more. So, I came back the next day and was able to get a leash on Dumbo and he walked out of his kennel. Every noise spooked him and he would jump and try scrambling around me. Once outside another volunteer took him around and he seemed to calm down outside. We even tried doing a temp test with another smaller GSD but he didn't want anything to do with the dog. Everything scared Dumbo, so not sure where the dog has been kept and why he is scared of everything. Once he was alone with no noises he walked so nice on the leash. I can tell if he was given to a good trainer to build his confidence, this guy will be the best dog ever. Humans need to earn his trust.
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