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Was Killed on Sep 6, 2023
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American Staffordshire Terrier
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
About kano: 8/14 Stray | Male | Staffie Mix | 6Y | 76lbs | HW+
#1 Kano caught my attention as I was standing in front of his neighbor?s kennel making notes. He was pressed up against the gate, whining like a baby chihuahua before progressing into an epic, full pibble wail. He is just *so happy* to get even a modicum of attention, his tail wagging so fast and hard that his body shakes. He walks well on a leash and is genuinely happy to see other dogs, stopping to sniff and offer kisses through the fence. Outside, he continued singing the songs of his people and telling me all about his life. He told me about how when he was in school, he had to walk uphill in 3? of snow sharing a jacket with his siblings; how his favorite core memory is eating trash out of the bin with his momma; and told me he wishes for nothing more than a soft bed, yummy food and a family to call his own. He?s got some sparse hair on his back - you can tell he was a street dog but with consistent nutrition and some medicated baths, he?ll be right as new. I met Kano two weeks ago and fell in love, and now I?m in trouble because he?s still at BARC and has been moved to the sick ward. I stopped by to see him yesterday and noticed he has some thick yellow discharge from his nose but, because the treatment ward is so full for the first time I?ve been volunteering and I knew what bringing it to the shelter?s attention would mean, I didn?t tell anyone. As it is, the wonderful ACTs saw it and now here?s the issue: he?s going to be in the List soon. He?s a HW+ senior pittie with skin issues and now a URI. Of course he?ll be up for euth soon. I was joined by another volunteer today so we did a temp test with him & Ezra. Ezra is a younger neutered male but fixated on Kano during their interactions, including getting in Kano?s face and snarling. Thankfully Kano handled this like the true gent he is. I?m really hoping that by me posting him once again he gets a positive outcome. He?s always quiet and sleeping. He?s just perfection.
#2 this dude was snoozing when I walked up to his kennel. He calmly approached the kennel and let me leash him without issue. Outside he took some time to wake up but did his business and took treats gently. Once he was fully awake he showed me his sassy side and started getting vocal asking for more treats lol it was pretty funny. He demanded I hurry up and feed him more yummy snacks. He let me handle him without issues. Once the sass came out he did not hold back and was awoo-ing (barking) at everything haha. He met snow through the fence and I think his vocal side scared her a little but they did share polite sniffs and he also did well walking down the kennel runs. I don?t think his vocal side is aggressive just a way for him to express himself, there is not type of bad energy behind his barks it?s just him wanting attention. He also is really funny and was hopping up and dog trying to get my squeaker he?s got a lot of spunk and is just a quirky dude!
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