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sir barkley
Was Killed on Aug 18, 2023
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sir barkley
Pit Bull Terrier (mix breed)
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Size: Large
About sir barkley: Sir Barkley ACCT-A-144637 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to behavioral concerns and lack of space for incoming dogs. Sir Barkley must have confirmed placement with an EXPERIENCED ADOPTER, EXPERIENCED FOSTER, or RESCUE PARTNER by FRIDAY August 18th at 10:00 am. Should Sir Barkley's medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change. Due to being significantly overcapacity with dogs and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging a dog. Please see Sir Barkley's new notes and videos of his progress! Meet Sir Barkley, a handsome young guy who came to ACCT on 8/9 as a stray. Sir Barkley's finder said that he was , "friendly, playful, and aggressive, and good on leash while in their care. In his first days at ACCT, Sir Barkley was noted to be quite fearful, but since then has quickly begun opening up, blossoming into an affectionate and silly boy! Since his initial behavior noted, he has made so much improvement and even has become a favorite of staff members. Despite Sir Barkley's improvement, due to his past reactivity as well as being stressed and shut down in our care, he is likely to decline and would benefit from swift placement with an experienced adopter/foster or rescue partner. When Sir Barkley came in, he was quite overwhelmed in the loud kennels and would curl up in kennel. He now approaches the front and rests his head on the bars with a tail wag, accepting pets as you walk by. He even occasionally gives an excited bark to leave kennel! When he was taken out of kennel initially, he was very nervous of leashing and at times reactive. He would duck away from it, tense up, or at times will snap at it. He is still hesitant with leashing, lowering his head and pushing his ears back, but has not shown reactivity since then, and will walk right up to the front of his kennel to be leashed. Outside of the kennel Sir Barkley can be nervous, but warms up slowly with time. He can be a bit head shy at first with handling, but once he trusts you he will begin to lean in and might even show you some zoomies. Sir Barkley is slowly showing progress, but unfortunately is still very shutdown in shelter. He would benefit from urgent placement due to his current levels of fear, in an adult only home where he can blossom into the playful and sweet boy we know he can be. Per staff 8/15: Sir Barkley was lying down in his kennel bed and got right up with a mid level wagging tail and soft eyes, coming to the front allowing for easy leashing. He pulled a bit on the way outside and used the bathroom right away. He leaned in for pets right after staying loose with a mid level wag, and we went inside to the behavior office and then the eval room. He enjoyed sniffing around the room picking up treats and exploring on his own, and then came to me soliciting attention. We sat on the floor together and he rolled over for belly rubs. He got so excited when I gave him kisses and did a little zoom in my lap. He was so affectionate with me constantly leaning in for more full body handling and licking my face. He would play mouth so gently and when I got up and ran around the room he got the zoomies with me. Another staff member came in the eval room and he approached her with a slightly lowered but loose wiggly body and mid level wagging tail, quickly gaining confidence around her and allowing all over handling. He even briefly jumped up putting a paw on her stomach for more pets. The staff member tried out some leashing with him and he was a bit avoidant, especially with lassoing lowering his head and retreating a bit, but then stayed nearby her leaning in for pets as she leashed him and remained non-reactive. He will lower his head and push his ears back but with a gentle approach was easily leashed. Went back into kennel with no issues. Per volunteer 8/14: Sir Barkley is a little unsure of his surroundings in the kennel, he took awhile to build trust and let me leash him. Once leashed he was easy to walk through the kennels and immediately used the bathroom once we got outside. He took his time in the yard smelling everything before coming over and allowing pets all over. He's good on his leash and takes in his surroundings. He likes to stop and smell everything. He didn't show much interest in toys, but stood in the Doggy pool. He was friendly with every dog he met through the fence. Per behavior team 8/12: Kennel presentation: Nervous. Sir Barkley was very nervous of being leashed. He approached me with a lowered body and low wagging tail but when I would open the door he'd retreat back. He would come back to my side with a low wag and soft eyes often but would get scared very easily. Unfortunately, the divider was broken in his kennel and I couldn't close it to isolate him to one side, so I got another staff member to come and we both attempted leashing from opposite sides. He would slowly come to one of us with a low wag, avoiding eye contact, lip licking, and lowering his body and then retreat to the middle. He eventually approached me and sat down by the front door, and allowed me to pet his head. It took some time but I was able to get the leash on him slowly. Exited without issue. Handleability/sociability: Loose/allows all handling. Sir Barkley was very nervous in the room but approached us both soliciting attention over time. He would stand between us a bit frozen with a tucked tail, soft eyes with a lowered head and ears back. He was very treat motivated and loved following a trail of treats. He approached both me and Ciara gently and would sit nearby us, allowing all handling. He is very nervous and can be tense but when you stop petting him he'll give another low wag and look at you with soft eyes. He became looser over time with a more mid level tail, and also gained some more confidence to explore the room. He's a shy sensitive boy but is very loving. Over time he got a lot more comfortable with us, and when Ciara entered the room after being out for around 10 min, he ran up to them with a loose body, soft eyes, and wagging tail, allowing all over handling. He gave us both kisses and rolled around in our laps without getting over aroused. Since he is still young, he likes to gently nibble on your hand. He did not get jumpy at all. Play: Engages in play. Sir Barkley loves to play!!!! He does the cutest zoomies and got so much more confident soliciting attention afterwards. Videos - Sir Barkley gets pets: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pjrUf0I4kLo Sir Barkley warms up: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QiEPk9mX994 Sir Barkley gets the zoomies: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tohCscizUbw Sir Barkley gets the zoomies from kisses: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eMWrAve94O4 Bank meets Sir Barkley: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VlPnzd3Q1lU Raspberry meets Sir Barkley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoRxxUe5mMA Sir Barkley exploring: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6jUnpCdnpqw Sir Barkley & Brock: https://youtu.be/ZW3UYuzXh50 Affectionate Sir Barkley: https://youtube.com/shorts/XCCVTeF4Xdo?feature=share